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AudioSyncracies - format change

enadmin, 16th October 2014

After 10 years on CRN, "AudioSyncracies: The Home of Positive Hip Hip", is changing!

Longtime host Michael Cursaro writes that "it has become increasingly difficult for me to find time to maintain the program each week, so I have made the tough decision to step aside. I have enjoyed the opportunity to broadcast through CRN over the past decade, and I thank stations for their support."

From 7 November the new name will be Definition Radio. It will be hosted by K-Man and be produced out of Canberra's 1WAY FM. "The team have years of radio experience and I know that they will take the show to the next level." www.definitionradio.com

AudioSyncracies/Definition Radio (55'50) plays Fridays from 20:00 EDT and repeats Fridays 01:00 EDT.

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