CBX April 2015

CBX: April 2015

Helen Henry, 16th April 2015

CBX April 2015 coverContents

  • Behind The Music
  • Finding & Keeping Volunteers
  • Community Radio By Numbers
  • Stations In Unusual Locations
  • Overcoming Sponsorship Objections

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Volunteers are an important part of the community broadcasting sector, with 22,000 individuals across Australian giving time to their local station. Involving volunteers can help you connect with and involve the local community in your station, and their contributions in a huge variety of roles offer invaluable support to community radio stations.


Then we came up with this bright idea: why not start up our own radio station . . . Fill the gap? Which we did. And it worked. That was 17 years ago.


The community radio sector is experiencing a time of rapid growth in Australia. While community broadcasting participants generally welcome the sector’s growth, they have expressed concern over the lack of proportionate funding increase from the Federal government. The key issue is the need to find ways to enhance community radio’s sources of funding without imperilling its status as a not-for-profit sector, and as one main option, the deregulation of sponsorship time presently limited to five minutes per hour may enhance income generation for community radio. This paper argues that there is no inherent conflict between entrepreneurial principles and not-for-profit principles.