Community Broadcasting Suicide Prevention Project - September 2012

enadmin, 4th September 2012

The Community Broadcasting Association is pleased to welcome you to the September 2012 content of our national suicide prevention and mental health awareness project, developed with the support of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.

Each month, our project team develops a series of 20 short radio segments designed to promote help-seeking behaviour and positive lifestyle choices, using interviews with service providers, as well as profiles of people who have successfully dealt with tough times in their lives.

This month we learn more about the support and online counselling you can access if you’re having suicidal or self harm thoughts, or if you’re caring for someone who is at risk.

We look at the many events and activities planned for World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, and we hear more about R U OK?Day (September 13), a national day where we can remember the importance of reaching out and supporting those around us.

We learn about some of the issues migrants can face in terms of depression and mental health, and we look at the risks associated with using alcohol as a way to make us feel better when we’re down.

We also profile a range of suicide prevention and mental health services, including SANE Australia, beyondblue, Mensline Australia, headspace, Lifeline Australia, and the Suicide Call Back Service.

Community Broadcasting Suicide Prevention Project - September 2012 content is available to download here.


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The CBAA is pleased to welcome you to the September 2013 content of our national suicide prevention and mental health awareness project, developed with the support of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.


The Community Broadcasting Association is pleased to welcome you to the September 2015 content of our national suicide prevention and mental health awareness project, developed with the support of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.


The Community Broadcasting Association is pleased to welcome you to the May 2014 content of our national suicide prevention and mental health awareness project, developed with the support of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.