Emily Wurramara

Get your First Sounds CD - February 2020

Katrina Hughes, 6th December 2019

Are you a community radio broadcaster or station? Join the mailing list to receive First Sounds, a compilation of new and emerging First Nations musicians brought to you by the CBAA's Amrap and indigiTUBE. It’s so easy - just fill out this online form.

One of the top four reasons people aged 15+ listen to community radio is because they play Australian music and support local artists*. Now more than ever, community radio is hungry for Australian music and looking for the most diverse artists from across the country. With the likes of Baker BoyBriggsThelma Plum and Emily Wurramara (pictured above left) paving the way, songs from First Nations artists are in high demand.

By registering your interest, you'll get the First Sounds CD in the mail in February 2020 and you can hit play on your next radio show soon after!

If you know other broadcasters who could be interested in receiving this complimentary CD please forward this email and form onto them to ensure they get a copy.

There will be more First Sounds compilations throughout 2020. 

Thanks to Amrap and indigiTUBE for providing community broadcasters access to unsigned First Nations musicians!

*CBAA National Listener Survey December 2019

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The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia and First Nations Media Australia are thrilled to continue showcasing new and emerging First Nations artists from around Australia with the release of First Sounds Volume 5


Brisbane artist Hatchie has unveiled her stunning new dream-pop single, hacking her way back into the charts and coindiding with her return to Australia for a sold-out east cost tour.


FIRST SOUNDS Vol.8 is calling for track entries in any genre from independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians who want to be heard on community radio airwaves and featured by indigiTUBE.