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Girls to the Mic: a Digital Pop Up Service for International Women's Day

Emma Ramsay, 28th February 2014

In an Australian first, the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia’s Digital Radio Project and Community Radio Network are thrilled to be presenting a day of radio made by women, to be enjoyed by everyone.

Soundtrack your International Women’s Day with a digital pop up radio station in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, and online. Tune in to hear ideas, discussion, storytelling and music celebrating women within our communities, across Australia and around the world. 

Set your dial to Girls to the Mic! to hear unique perspectives on women in politics (Backchat from Sydney’s FBi Radio), in our communities (3CR’s Women on the Line), seminal women’s music programming from RTR’s Drastic on Plastic from Perth, and a countdown of the top women in arts and culture from 2SER’s so(hot)rightnow with Vivid Ideas director Jess Scully. We’ll hear about indigenous women in Alice Springs with Women’s Business, while 3CR’s Accent of Womentake us on an exploration of grassroots organising by women around the world.

Look back at what has been a phenomenal year for women and women’s rights, and look forward to the achievements to come, with brekkie and lunchtime shows from Kulja Coulston at Melbourne’s RRR and Bridget Backhaus and Ellie Freeman at Brisbane’s 4EB, and an extra special Girls Gone Mild celebrating the creative, inspiring and world changing women who ought to dominate the airwaves daily.

Taking its name from the Riot Grrl movement’s decree of “girls to the front” – Girls to the Mic! is literally that: a day of radio where we showcase the work and achievements of women on your radio. Featuring radio made at Melbourne’s 3RRR, 3CR, PBS, JOY FM and SYN FM, Sydney’s FBi, 2SER and 2RRR, 4EB and 4ZZZ in Brisbane, CAAMA and 8CCC in the Northern Territory and RTR and Noongar Radio in Perth, join us in what is a radio first for Australia, and a fixture on your calendar forever more.

Tune in via digital radio, and search for the Girls to the Mic pop-up service. For information about the service and schedule, and to stream live click here.


For further enquiries contact Emma Ramsay from the Digital Radio Project at the CBAA on 02 9318 9613 or via email.

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The full list of Award finalists can be found below. Winners will be announced at the CBAA Conference 27-29 October, along with the recepients of the Michael Law and Tony Staley Awards. 

Congratulations to all who has participated in this years program. 


The finalists for the 2019 CBAA Community Radio Awards have been announced.


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