Emma Hart

Meet the new CBAA Women's Representative, Emma Hart!

hfriedlander, 22nd November 2017

Feminist organising has defined Emma's experiences in community broadcasting.

Emma began making radio in 2014 on 3CR Community Radio's Tuesday Breakfast Current Affairs Show, a show produced and presented solely by women and gender non-conforming people.

While balancing radio with a job upholding workers’ rights and her commitments as an active musician, Emma fell in love with community radio as a vibrant and resilient media form where communities control their own stories.

She now works as Interviews Coordinator at PBS106.7FM, and serves as a Director on 3CR’s Committee of Management. She delivers radio training at 3CR and is a producer for Women on the Line, a national feminist current affairs show which has been broadcasting from 3CR since 1986.

Emma is also a producer for Sweet Dreams, a weekly DIY music show on 3CR which focuses on the music of women, gender non-conforming and queer people, and looks forward to bringing her experience pushing for fair representation in a community radio context to her new role.

Welcome Emma!

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*Past webinar, click through to watch recording.*

Following on from the Women's Forum at the 2018 CBAA Conference, this webinar will provide a platform for delegates and those unable to make the conference to continue discussing the issues important to them.


*Past webinar*

Our webinar will provide information for individuals who may be interested in nominating for the position of Women’s Representative as well as providing an opportunity for women and gender non-conforming people in the sector to get together to discuss the challenges they face and how their work can collectively help create a more positive future for community radio.


The CBAA welcomes its newest Board Member, Hannah Rogers, who will join the existing board for 2020/2021.

Hannah Rogers