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New grant opportunity from CBF: planning assistance grants

Helen Henry, 12th February 2016

Applications for a new grant opportunity are now open to assist community broadcasting organisations to plan for the future.

Depending on the requirements of your organisation, this might include developing strategic, operational, business and/or marketing plans.

Grants of up to $8,000 can be used towards facilitators, resources, meeting venues, software – whatever you need to help put your plan together.

A total of $100,000 is available for distribution in 2015/16 and priority will be given to stations with an annual income less than $300,000 and cash reserves of less than $100,000.

Not sure where to start? CBF has created a resource list with links to planning templates and contact information for people with experience in the community broadcasting and/or not for profit sector who might be able to help.

Applications close on 4 April for grants to be allocated in May.

Visit the CBF website for more information and to apply.

Do you receive our monthly Grants Calendar?

CBAA members can sign up to receive our monthly Grants Calendar, which brings together the many government- and philanthropically-funded grants available to not for profit organisations across Australia in one easy-to-access place. Sign up so that your station can assess all available funding opportunities - including those available to community broadcasters outside of their traditional streams of revenue.

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*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*
A webinar for stations looking to refine and improve upon their existing grant application process, as well as stations in the initial stages of seeking grant funding.


These three new sessions announced for the 2018 CBAA Conference go deep on matters of money and studio technology - topics of interest to all community radio stations.


*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*
The aim of this webinar is to assist stations in writing effective, comprehensive grants for both CBF funding applications and for the many other grant opportunities available to community broadcasters.