Primary Perspectives update

mwalters_2, 26th August 2012

Click through for the latest update on all happenings in the world of Primary Perspectives!

August 2012

June/July 2012

Primary Perspectives is an innovative children’s show hosted by young people between 10-13 years that includes regular monthly segments such as The Veggie Patch, Let's Talk Tech and Wonderfully Wild.

It plays on the Community Radio Network satellite Tuesdays from 16:04 to 17:00 EST, and is available for DDN satellite/online capture.

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Produced at 3WBC in Melbourne's Box Hill, Primary Perspectives is an innovative children’s show hosted by young people between 10-13 years, that includes regular monthly segments such as The Veggie Patch, Let's Talk Tech, and Wonderfully Wild.


At the recent CBAA Conference in Melbourne, our Content Service Manager - Seth Jordan - del


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