Telstra Foundation launches Everyone Connected grants program.

enadmin, 4th July 2012

This year the Telstra Foundation celebrates it's 10th anniversary. The Foundation has invested $40 million to support 7000 community programs make a positive and lasting difference to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across Australia.

The Everyone Connected Grants program is designed to assist disadvantaged Australians enjoy the benefits of modern communication technology.

One hundred $10,000 grants are available to non-profit community organisations to support local activities that help enhance digital inclusion by connecting disadvantaged children and young people to the internet, build their online skills or promote cyber safety.

Non-profit community organisations can directly apply for a grant by visiting the Telstra Foundation website. Applications close on Monday 30 July 2012, with successful applicants to be announced in September 2012.

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*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*
The aim of this webinar is to assist stations in writing effective, comprehensive grants for both CBF funding applications and for the many other grant opportunities available to community broadcasters.



The growth of the internet and related technologies such as mobile phones, digital film and photography in the last decade has seen a substantial shift in the way young people communicate and share information. The role that information and communication technologies (ICT) may play and the impact they may have on the mental health and wellbeing of young people is not well understood and there are gaps in the evidence base surrounding the efficacy of mental health promotion and prevention initiatives that utilise technology. The Bridging the Digital Divide Project examines the potential use of ICT to promote social connectedness and civic engagement in young people experiencing marginalisation. This paper provides an overview of the project rationale and presents preliminary research that explores the barriers and enablers to implementing an ICT based project designed to promote civic engagement and social connectedness with young people experiencing marginalisation.