CBAA Webinars

WEBINAR: ACMA Licence Renewal 101, Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Danny Chifley, 3rd July 2018
The licence renewal process for permanent community broadcasters can be time consuming.

A new renewal form (the B66) was amended in 2017 to help community broadcasters more easily complete the process. We’ll talk you through how to approach the renewal, what you need to provide, and how the CBAA can help.

Who is it for?

Station management and boards, particularly those representing the many stations who will be undergoing the licence renewal process in the next 12 months.

You’ll learn:
  • Tips for completing your licence renewal with the ACMA
  • What documents and policies you need to provide
  • How the CBAA can support you
Presented by:
The CBAA's Member Services + Marketing and Engagement Assistant, Holly Friedlander Liddicoat.

Holly cut her teeth in community radio at Sydney's FBi Radio because of her love for weird electronic music, but has also made appearances around the place at 2SER, Eastside FM and even at Berlin Community Radio, where she lived for some time. At the CBAA, Holly supports stations with any questions they may have, particularly in regards to the ACMA's licence renewal process and governance, as well as working across the CBAA's resources and communication channels.

With Special Guests:

Phyllis Fong – Manager of the Community Broadcasting Section at the ACMA
Amy Wooding - Acting Senior Licensing and Compliance Officer at the ACMA

Get all the resources mentioned in the webinar.

This webinar was held at 6:30pm (AEST) Wednesday, 25 July 2018

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*Past webinar, click through to watch recording.* 

The ACMA are currently streamlining the community broadcasting licence renewal form to simplify the process and make it easier for stations. Our webinar will look at the new form and process, what has changed and what you need to know to ensure a comprehensive and effective licence renewal in the future.


Make sure your station's prepared for your next licence renewal by seeing what's changed in the B66 application form.


The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has updated the form (B66) used by permanent community broadcasters to renew their licences.