CBAA Webinar - Creating a Team Culture

WEBINAR: Creating a Team Culture

Joshua Cole, 17th August 2023

Community radio stations serve their community best with great radio when they work as a high-functioning team. Creating a good team culture takes work. Teams with a strong, positive culture support resilience and inclusivity, and manage conflict. 

This session will discuss principles and practices for building and maintaining a strong team culture that will help your station address conflict (or even avoid it altogether) and stay focused on your community. 


Date: 3pm AEST, Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Presented by: Tony Rasmussen, Senior Lecture in the Radio & Podcasting teaching team at the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS),

Tony is an experienced radio professional with a rich and varied experience in broadcasting and multimedia leadership across a 40-year career at the ABC. 
Tony gained hands-on experience as a producer at ABC Radio Sydney, working on every key shift at the station. He’s also been a Content Director for ABC Regional Radio in NSW, and Editor of Networked Local Radio where he was responsible for program teams producing national shows like Nightlife; Overnights with Trevor Chappell and Rod Quinn; Australia All Over, and the Indigenous program, Speaking Out. 
When he left the ABC Tony was Manager of Regional Local Radio – overseeing editorial and operations for Local Radio and ABC Rural, with a team of over 300 content makers working in 44 radio stations across the country.  

Catch up on the webinar via CBAA Learning.

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*Past webinar, click through to watch recording.*

In this session you’ll find out how, when, why and if you should get into podcasting. It will look at the different genres, what’s most popular out there at the moment, and how to make your podcast sustainable.


*Past webinar, click through to watch recording*

With about 18,000 community radio volunteers involved in making content every week, one of the biggest challenges for leaders and managers is to nurture and develop on-air talent and content makers.
Using a simple-yet-effective strengths-based system, this session will give you a framework for providing feedback that makes your programmers more confident, your programs more effective for your audience, and help build a team culture at your station.


The energy and passion from community broadcasters from across the country was palpable at the recent CBAA conference in Melbourne!