Codes of Practice - Code 2: Principles of diversity and independence


The Community Radio Codes of Practice (the Codes) set out the guiding principles and policies for programming on community broadcasting stations. They also outline the operational standards for stations that hold a community broadcasting licence.

Purpose: To make sure that community radio stations have written policies and procedures in place that promote diversity and encourage community participation

  1. Our station will make sure that people in our community who are not adequately served by other media are encouraged and assisted to participate in providing our service. We will have in place policies and procedures to support this commitment. We will document evidence of our efforts to encourage community participation.
  2. Our policies and procedures will include mechanisms to enable active participation by our community in station management, programming and general operations.
  3. We will have policy documents in place that outline:
    1. the principles of volunteering,
    2. the rights and responsibilities of volunteers within the organisation,
    3. the rights and responsibilities of the organisation to volunteers, whether they are members or not, and
    4. grounds and procedures for the dismissal of volunteers.
  4. All policy documents will be freely available.
  5. In all station activities and our behaviour we will oppose and break down prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, race, language, gender, sexuality, age, physical or mental ability, occupation, religious, cultural or political beliefs.
