Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status


According to the Australian Government, a deductible gift recipient (DGR) is an entity or fund that can receive tax deductible gifts. Unless your organisation is endorsed as a DGR, donors cannot claim their donation against their tax.

DGR status for your community broadcasting organisation is a great incentive to encourage your community to support your organisation by making donations.

Want to find out more? Check out the below.

CBF's quick guide to DGR

The Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF)  provides a quick guide to DGR status for community radio stations.

Not For Profit Law Guide to Deductible Gift Recipient Endorsement

A Deductible Gift Recipient is an organisation with a ‘special tax status’. If your organisation is endorsed by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) as a DGR, people who make gifts or donations to your organisation are able to ‘deduct’ those gifts for their own income tax purposes and your organisation can receive funds from certain grant makers and philanthropic bodies, which are only able to give money to organisations that have DGR status.

The Not-for-profit Law Guide to Deductible Gift Recipient Endorsement sets out in more detail information about the categories for endorsement, the application process, and issues that arise in maintaining DGR endorsement.

Reviewing your DGR endorsement - a worksheet

The ATO recommends that NFPs with deductible gift recipient (DGR) status review their organisation to make sure it's still operating for the purposes for which it was granted DGR endorsement.

Your organisation must be endorsed as a DGR in order to receive gifts that are tax deductible to donors.

The above worksheet will assist you to review your DGR endorsement.