ACMA releases Not for Profit Guidelines

enadmin, 7th March 2011

The ACMA has developed a series of guidelines to assist community broadcasting licensees to understand their responsibilities under the Broadcasting Services Act (1992).

The latest guidelines to be published are the Not for Profit Guidelines. Community Broadcasting is a not-for-profit sector and the Guidelines explain what it means to operate a broadcasting service either for a profit, or as part of a profit-making enterprise. The CBAA made a number of submissions re the Draft NFP Guidelines, following consultation with our Board and Members. The ACMA made a number of changes in response to our submission.

You can find the new Guidelines on the ACMA website here.

The CBAA encourages its members to read all ACMA's Guidelines very carefully. Please make sure all your staff and volunteers are aware of their legislative responsibilities as community broadcasters.

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Licence renewal application update for permanently licensed broadcasters.


The Broadcasting Services Act (1992) stipulates broadcast law regarding media coverage of local, state and federal elections. It is the responsibility of every community broadcaster to ensure that these laws are observed, as a condition of the station's licence.


The ACMA has made some minor changes to their Political and Election Matter Guidelines.