Political Engagement Toolkit

Attend our Political Engagement webinar series to find out how to get the most out of your station's interaction with politicians

Helen Henry, 18th February 2016

Political engagement can help build a stronger connection with your station's community, create community radio advocates and open new doors for your station. 

The CBAA is running three webinars to assist community broadcasters with building a beneficial relationship between community radio stations and relevant elected representatives, including State and Federal Members of Parliament, Ministers, and local Councillors and Mayors. Attend to find out how you can get the most out of your interactions with politicians and how the CBAA's Political Engagement Toolkit can help you do it successfully. 

Part 1: The Benefits of Political Engagement - 23 February

Find out what political engagement is, why it matters, and how it can benefit your station. Register now.

Part 2: Promoting Community Radio - 22 March

When you are talking to politicians, you need to be prepared to promote community radio. This means becoming familiar with the sector, as well as how your station fits into both the sector and your community. Learn how to 'sell' your station to politicians, engage in the processes of democracy at the grass roots level and create social coherence through diversity. Register now

Part 3: Tools of Engagement - 26 April

A successful political engagement campaign will combine a variety of different strategies and tactics to ensure the best chance of building a relationship between you and your representatives that benefits both your station and the community. Learn what these might be and how you can use them at your station. Register now

All webinars begin at 6.30pm AEDT.

Who are these webinars for?

Station managers and community broadcasters interested in leadership roles within stations and how stations can get the most out of relationships with elected representatives.

Presented by:

These webinars will be presented by the CBAA's Policy and Research Adviser Joel Pringle and Mark Riboldi, of Sansicarus Creative, Campaigns and Communications, who was instrumental in the development of the toolkit. They'll be joined by special guests throughout the series.

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*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*
The CBAA is facilitating a 3 part series of webinars that will assist stations in fostering positive relationships with politicians as well as instruction in how best to take advantage of the Political Engagement Toolkit.


*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*
Attend this webinar to examine a series of tactics community broadcasters can use to engage with politicians.


*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*
Attend this webinar to learn how to 'sell' your station to politicians, engage in the processes of democracy at the grass roots’ level and create social coherence through diversity.