CBF Welcomes New Vice-President

dchifley_2, 2nd April 2012

The Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) Board recently appointed David Melzer as Vice-President of the Foundation. David has been involved in broadcasting for more than 20 years - as a volunteer, broadcaster, trainer, manager, board member and consultant in the community broadcasting sector and with the ABC. He has worked as a station manager at remote, regional and metropolitan stations serving general, ethnic, Indigenous and specialist music community interests.

David served as the President of the CBAA for four years from 1999-2003, during which he chaired a number of policy formulation and sector project consultative committees and worked closely with other sector organisations in sector funding lobbying efforts. David's diverse skills, broad experience and detailed knowledge of the community broadcasting sector are sure to be an asset to the Foundation.

David's appointment fills a vacancy on the CBF Board following the retirement of Lex Marinos. Lex served two terms as CBF Vice-President contributing strongly to the work of the Foundation over a six-year period as VP, a Director, and Chair of the Online Grants Advisory Committee. We wish Lex well in all his future endeavours. Lex will be continuing his involvement in the sector through his interest in community television and as a trainer with the Community Media Training Organisation.

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The CBAA announced it has appointed Louisa Graham to its board to fill a casual vacancy. Ms Graham brings 20 years of executive manager and nonexecutive director experience in the not-for-profit sector, predominately in media, arts and campaign management as well as experience working in community radio.


John Martin receives Australia Day Honours for service to radio broadcast sector.


The CBF has published a consultation paper detailing a proposed new structure & governance model and is inviting comment and feedback on the proposed changes.