CBX May 2019

CBX: May 2019

cbaacomms, 2nd May 2019
The May 2019 edition of CBX features lots of great stories! Read about how the CBAA is building support for the community broadcasting sector in the lead up the to 2019 Federal Election, how fundraising can build income for your station, the importance of onboarding and supporting station volunteers and more:
  • CBF Update: Helping stations succeed
  • Let’s Get Together: 2BBB Bellingen and 2NVR Nambucca
  • Community Radio and the 2019 Federal Election
  • Pro Audio on the Go
  • Board Balance – Getting the Mix Right
  • Broadcast Components supports regional broadcasting tech
  • Getting the message across: Dan Ahern
  • Supporting Volunteers at your Station
  • Financial sustainability and fundraising for your community station
  • Why Community Radio Broadcasters Make the Best Podcasters
  • 4ZZZ – providing quality independent journalism
  • Amrap Q&A
  • Out of the Box - Miani Rose, Primary Perspectives
  • CRN program guide

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The adage goes that most community radio stations survive on the ‘smell of an oily rag’. The saying is as tired as some of the sector’s most dedicated volunteers! So, what if one station had access to two oily rags?


Updates on submission to the Federal Budget process, political responses to the Music and Arts Economy in NSW report and support for community radio, and CBAA submission to the ACCC - and more.


We are pleased that the community broadcasting sector continues to receive wide support across the political spectrum.