2019/20 Federal Budget

Federal Government announces community broadcasting funding in Budget 2019/20

Helen Henry, 3rd April 2019

The Federal Government’s budget, announced on Tuesday, 2 April 2019, includes $19.7 million funding for the community broadcasting sector in the coming financial year.

This represents no change to the expected ongoing funding for 2019/20. However, funding for the roll out of digital radio and funding targeted at enhanced news, training and streaming is not included in the forward estimates from 2021/22.

In the lead up to this year’s Federal Election, the CBAA will continue to work with major and minor parties, and independents, to gain support for the sector. This includes seeking an increase in funding of $5.1 million per year to help stations with their day-to-day operations, as well as a commitment for the funding directed for the digital radio roll out, enhanced news, streaming and skills development to be made ongoing from 2021/22.

“The Federal Government’s commitment to funding for the sector through the Community Broadcasting Program reflects its ongoing recognition of the important role of community broadcasting in the Australian media landscape. With more listeners than ever, we are asking for ongoing and continued support to assist and strengthen sector capacity through digital radio, enhanced news, streaming, and training. We will also be seeking a commitment from the Government in the coming weeks for additional commitments to support station operations and development.”

The CBAA champions community broadcasting by building the capability and sustainability of stations and creating a healthy environment for the sector to thrive. Almost 6 million Australians (30% of the population aged 15+ years) listens to 450+ community radio services across the country each week. These community broadcasting services provide a diverse range of viewpoints that enrich the social and cultural fabric of Australian society, promote the identities of local communities and contribute to social inclusion. Equally, they contribute to media diversity by generating a high level of local content and provide people with opportunities for participation in free-to-air broadcasting.

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We are pleased that the community broadcasting sector continues to receive wide support across the political spectrum.


In the lead up to the Federal Election on Saturday, 18 May 2019, the CBAA is seeking to translate support for community broadcasting amongst sitting members of Parliament and candidates across the major parties, minor parties and independents into better policy settings to allow the sector to thrive.


The community broadcasting sector has welcomed the first budget from the Albanese Government tonight.

The Budget handed down by the Treasurer has provided much needed funding certainty for community broadcasting with $88 million allocated over the next four years.