Member Survey

Member Research - Impact of 2014 Survey Results

Helen Henry, 13th October 2015

In 2014, the CBAA undertook its inaugural member survey to take a measure of member opinion and establish a benchmark for future comparisons. We thank everyone that took the time to participate - the results of the survey have been invaluable.

As well as receiving very good feedback, with over 90% of members indicating they were satisfied with the performance of the CBAA (the most satisfied being smaller stations, including those from regional areas), we also got some fantastic insights into our incredibly diverse membership base and were able to use the results and recommendations to inform the development of the CBAA’s new strategic plan and operations over the last 12 months.

The following updates are directly related to some of the feedback and recommendations from our 2014 member survey report:

  • Feedback in the last report indicated confusion about the sub-brands associated with the CBAA, and so confusion around CBAA benefits and services. To combat this, in August 2014, the CBAA launched new branding, which extends to all aspects of the CBAA’s programs and activities, and is a more cohesive reflection of CBAA’s services, benefits & projects. It involved a reduction in the number of standalone brands associated with the CBAA and allows us to speak more effectively with one voice.
  • To further share information with members, the CBAA ran a campaign, distributing packs of printed materials detailing the CBAA’s offerings across areas including community radio information and advice, how the CBAA saves stations money on core expenses, the Community Radio Network (CRN), the Australian Music Radio Airplay Project (Amrap), digital radio, sector leadership and more. The CBAA will continue to provide regular updates to stations in this format, as well as continuing to provide up to date information via social media, email, printed materials such as CBX Magazine and the CBAA website.
  • Financial viability was identified as one of the top three challenges for stations, so the CBAA has sought to expand the savings benefits on offer to members. The full list of benefits is available here and the newest additions include savings on insurance, energy, PPCA simulcasting licence fees, HR support and stationery. The CBAA also now provides a monthly Grants Calendar to members to support them to diversify their grants revenue and has provided online workshops in areas of listener research and station sponsorship.
  • Survey results indicated that the CBAA could be providing more opportunities tailored to the larger stations in the community radio sector. In response to this, in 2014, the CBAA started providing stations with large turnovers and a high number of paid staff curated workshops to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by these stations and provide a networking platform for participants. In addition to a separate Deep Dive event held earlier this year, another workshop was held as part of the CBAA Conference. Another Deep Dive Forum is part of the 2015 program.
  • The survey results indicated that the CBAA should review its Conference Travel Subsidy scheme. Following this, in 2015, the CBAA launched a new conference scholarship program to replace the existing scheme. Under the new program, 15 scholarships, valued at almost $1,100 each, provide opportunities for under-resourced stations, volunteers and staff to attend the CBAA conference to learn, network, share knowledge and participate in discussions they otherwise would not be exposed to, along with providing opportunities for individuals from groups that are often underrepresented in decision-making within the sector to attend the CBAA conference.
  • To further expand the reach and relevance of the National Radio News service to community radio stations around Australia, in 2016, the CBAA will be enhancing the service to provide state-based news updates in addition to the existing 84 four-minute national bulletins each week.  These daily (weekday) wraps will cover Queensland, News South Wales and ACT, Victoria and Tasmania, South Australia and the Northern Territory, and Western Australia, at no extra cost for subscribers.
  • The survey indicated member interest in a public awareness campaign for community radio. In 2014 and 2015, the CBAA undertook planning for this campaign, including the campaign strategy and funding. While still in development, this is a priority for the coming financial year.

There is still work to be done and we are looking forward to undertaking our 2015 survey very shortly to receive updated information from our members. Members can expect to receive this year’s survey during the week commencing 19 October. The CBAA strongly encourages all member stations to participate and take this opportunity to let us know what you think and shape the CBAA’s future operations.

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In 2015, the CBAA undertook a tender process for the National Listener Survey. We are pleased to advise that this process is now complete and provide you with some further information about how the survey will be administered in 2016.


Participatory research design appears as an attractive option in the study of community media organisations. It puts the generation of the research question, the design of data collection methods, and the analysis of the results in the hands of the researched. This approach can demystify the research process and can be an empowering experience. But, as I found out with my doctoral research, the researcher needs to carefully assess an organisation’s capacity to undertake do-it-yourself research, because, when things go wrong, this approach can also reveal conflicts within an organisation, as well as give rise to tension resulting from the divergent needs of the researcher and those of the researched. This paper describes the troubles that arose during fieldwork conducted at a community radio station, how these unexpected events forced a reformulation of the research question, and how this eventually led to an improved theoretical insight.


Communication is an important element in devising, disseminating and pursuing the organisational goals for all organisations. It involves informing target audiences about frequent, timely and relevant information. Members were consulted with regard their particular needs; as well as staff who are responsive, knowledgeable and passionate about the organisation. Being very different target groups, we found communication approaches wanted by both groups to differ. We surveyed Australian sporting organisations aiming to examine their communication strategies. Not surprisingly, our findings suggest that many organisations think of communication as an after-thought. We argue that sporting organisations are not making the most the latest communication methods, nor progressing with member’s communication desires or what members are actually seeking. Members want electronic, two-way and fast communication tools including electronic newsletter and bulletin boards. This research opens up debate on how community-based media may value-add to the organisational communication mix, and how digital broadcasting can be developed by the community broadcasting sector to enhance the communications capabilities for the not for profit sector.