Great idea

Seeking people with a disability & supporters for research into their community radio experience

hfriedlander, 21st February 2017

Kim Stewart, Doctoral researcher, social worker and long time community radio producer at 4ZZZ in Brisbane, is seeking participants for a study into the benefits and challenges facing people with a disability in the sector.

She is interested in how people with a cognitive differences can be involved, but also the struggles and triumphs of all people with a disability.

If you have:
  • Been involved in community radio and have a disability; or
  • Have experience working with or supporting someone who has; or
  • Have or know someone with an intellectual disability/cognitive impairment who has been involved in community broadcasting
Your contribution can include:
  • Recording an interview
  • Inclusion in a community radio documentary (at your discretion)
  • Inclusion of your interview responses in a research report to QUT and sector organisations

Email Kim to find out more about either of these projects!

Extra, extra! If you are in Brisbane and have a disability, Kim runs regular radio groups in Nundah and West End (not research related).  

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Join us as we deep dive into the world of access at stations with a stellar panel of broadcasters, managers, sector pioneers and researchers around disability and inclusion in Australia.


The Community Radio Network is excited to bring stations and listeners an engaging lineup for International Day of People with Disability 2018.


4ZZZ are working towards including more people with a disability at the station. In what is a national first for community radio, 4ZZZ have appointed a Station Advocate for people with disabilities.