CRN Segments Series

Tips to kick-start your CRN Segments application

hfriedlander, 14th September 2016

Twice a year CRN seeks short series for station distribution that can be used as drop-in content during magazine programming. On the successful completion of a 10-part series of segments producers are paid $500!

Coming up with an idea for your series however can be one of the trickiest things about preparing your application. The scope is wide, and this can leave many producers thinking: what do I want to say?

The team at CRN have developed these short prompts to help you hone in on your idea and deliver the best possible pilot.

1. What is your passion? Or, what are you curious about?

First start by thinking about what it is that you are really passionate about, or what it is that you would like to learn about. Is there a question you always wanted answered but weren’t sure where to start? Producing content about something that interests you will make the series production a very enjoyable experience, and often can be part of the story itself, making it interesting for listeners on the other end. You might also find that you already have a good knowledge base from which to start.

Past example: Once Were Aliens produced by Adam Branson, 3MBS, Melbourne.

2. Who do you want to talk to? Does someone in your area have a good story to tell?

Think about the person or kinds of people you could talk to or profile in your series. For example, this could be someone in your local area with an interesting story to tell, an author, a politician or a sports star. There could be someone in your community who has, or is leading an incredible life. Or perhaps you want to write a script, adapt some existing material, or perform a comedy or radio play.

Past example: Up Over To Down Under produced by Andrew Farr, Great Lakes FM, Tuncurry.

3. Who is your audience?

Who is your target audience and how would you best speak to them? By having your audience clearly in mind when developing your application you will not only choose the most appropriate topic but also think about the most creative ways to approach the topic.

Past example: Kidding Around produced by Katie Staples, Pulse, Wollongong.

4. Do you want to get creative with audio?

Is there a production technique you would like to try out? How about honing your sound design skills? The series format is perfect for exploring new production avenues that you could take back to and use at your home station in the future.

Past example: The Ship Of Fools: Team Australia! produced by Andrew Hope & Paul Hunt, 2BOB, Taree. 

Past example: Back To The Music produced by Jane Arakawa, 2NSB, Sydney.

5. Contact us if you would like to discuss your idea!

For more information or to discuss your idea please feel free to contact the Community Radio Network staff at the CBAA office on 02 9310 2999 or via email.

You can also get more information about the application, the audio guidelines and how to submit your application on the CRN Segments main page.

Segments is possible thanks to the support of the Community Broadcasting Foundation.


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The 2016 National Features and Documentary Series and CRN Segments Series 3 are now open for applications.