Beyond the Microphone - Volunteering in Community Radio

WEBINAR: Beyond the Microphone - Volunteering in Community Radio

Joshua Cole, 8th May 2024

Volunteers are the lifeblood of community radio. From our on air hosts to the back office and everything in between without volunteers community radio could not thrive.

But how do you attract, support and develop your volunteers in this changing volunteering landscape?

In this presentation, Clint Bertenshaw, Director: Sector Development and Engagement, from the Centre for Volunteering will provide you with insights and pragmatic approaches to:

  1. Embracing volunteer motivations and addressing their barriers
  2. Rethinking volunteering roles and programs for flexibility and sustainability
  3. 3. Revising volunteer recruitment and engagement strategies to attract a greater pool of volunteers

In support of the concepts discussed in the presentation, participants will learn of the suite of free tools and resources available through The Centre for Volunteering to support Volunteer Leaders, Station Managers and their volunteer programs.


Date: 3-4PM AEST, Tuesday, 28 May 2024


Presented by: 

Clint Bertenshaw

Clint Bertenshaw 

Clint Bertenshaw is the Director: Sector Development and Engagement at the Centre for Volunteering. He is an experienced operations manager, people leader and learning and development consultant who applies pragmatic approaches to tackling organisational problems. Clint also volunteers for Youth Community Radio station, Edge Radio Hobart, where he is an on-air host, training coordinator and committee member. 


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About The Centre for Volunteering

The Centre for Volunteering is a not-for-profit organisation with over 45 years’ experience providing leadership on volunteering in NSW. This involves playing a key role in advocacy, support services and sector development.

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*Past webinar, click through to watch recording*

In this 90-minute presentation, Clint Bertenshaw, Senior Manager - Sector Development and Engagement, from The Centre for Volunteering will provide you with insights and pragmatic approaches to Review, Revise and Rethink volunteering and your volunteer programs.


Participatory research design appears as an attractive option in the study of community media organisations. It puts the generation of the research question, the design of data collection methods, and the analysis of the results in the hands of the researched. This approach can demystify the research process and can be an empowering experience. But, as I found out with my doctoral research, the researcher needs to carefully assess an organisation’s capacity to undertake do-it-yourself research, because, when things go wrong, this approach can also reveal conflicts within an organisation, as well as give rise to tension resulting from the divergent needs of the researcher and those of the researched. This paper describes the troubles that arose during fieldwork conducted at a community radio station, how these unexpected events forced a reformulation of the research question, and how this eventually led to an improved theoretical insight.