CBAA Webinars

Webinar: Using Social Media in Live Radio Programs

enadmin, 29th August 2014
Presented by Yuske Aso & Michelle Brown, the Using Social Media in Live Radio Programs webinar held on Tuesday 2 September 2014 explored how stations can utilise various social media platforms to enhance their programming and strengthen the relationship between broadcaster and their audience.

Social media has revolutionised how information is created and shared. As a traditionally innovative media sector, it is crucial for community broadcasters to not only engage with and adapt to social media but also strive to find new initiatives that this platform can offer.

We also take a look at the best way to get the audience to participate in on air discussions. Whether you are doing talkback radio or just calling for music requests, using social media opens up all the channels to communicate with your audience.

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is for all community broadcasters, including stations with an active online presence and stations at the initial stages of engagement with social media.

About the presenters

Yuske Aso, Senior Producer of Mornings with Linda Mottram on ABC 702 Sydney and formerly of Sydney's Radio Skid Row.
Michelle Brown is one of the Station Managers of 4ZZZ, Brisbane's radical alternative radio station. Part of 4ZZZ's programming is the Tweet Back Radio show, a program that discusses current happenings asking the audience to join in on both Facebook or twitter.


CBAA-CMTO Webinar: Using Social Media in Live Radio from CMTO on Vimeo.

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*Past webinar, click through to watch recording.*

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