Digital Delivery Network (DDN) Rollout 2023-24

amclellan, 5th March 2019

April 2024

Installation of Telstra links and equipment related to the CBAA’s Digital Delivery Network (DDN) is currently underway. 

A limited number of stations are being contacted by CRN/CBAA, and/or Telstra directly, regarding the installation of networking station equipment and services allowing connection to the Digital Delivery Network private Wide Area Network (WAN).

What is the Digital Delivery Network?

The Digital Delivery Network (DDN) provides a library of regular and special programs and segments, enabling replay of Community Radio Network (CRN) and other content for live and on-demand use. 

The DDN provides systems for program/content makers to lodge and exchange content, as well as systems for stations to receive distributed content for local station broadcast.

The new generation DDN will, over time, provide for a range of services: 

  • Latest program & segment editions as well as archived editions for on-demand playback of CRN content
  • Libraries of programs, segments & other content in addition to that provided on the live CRN feeds - i.e. program series available in bulk, CSAs
  • Library audio which can be integrated for manual or automatic playback using your station's playback system
  • Library audio & live streams which can be selected via a browser based studio interface
  • Program, segment & edition meta-data & information to enable quick selection and enhanced studio use
  • A discovery portal so that you can find and preview programs – both new and existing – that your station may like to put to air

The new generation DDN also provides contributor and 'backend' processes including:

  • Systems to lodge and schedule programs and segment-based content and ready it for digital media delivery
  • Storage and edition-timed delivery of content to CRN for live satellite distribution

Beyond CRN/DDN services, certain sections of the private WAN arrangements support linking in relation to DAB+, radio digitisation and other content exchange requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why this method for DDN?

The DDN has required station-based hardware to capture content distributed via the 24/7 real-time satellite service. This method will continue for some time. In this DDN, stations are being provided with a dedicated private terrestrial data link connecting to a Wide Area Network (WAN) for delivery of audio content.

Delivering audio content and more, the WAN connection replaces the need to upgrade satellite-capture equipment. This will, over time, provide for a range of services and flexibility exceeding what can be currently offered to stations. These technologies, used offer defined quality of service designed for audio interchange, limit latency, jitter and, in some cases, offer multicast capability.

Why our station?

Stations were previously invited to apply for a grant to be part of the new DDN to the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Other stations met additional criteria or have registered interest in CRN services.

What’s happening now?

A new data line and associated equipment is being installed by Telstra, or one of its sub-contractors, at station premises as part of the DDN.

You may have already been contacted. If not, a Telstra representative should be in touch in advance of arriving on station premises. A package containing a router may arrive separately, please keep secure at your station.

When will it be done?

Telstra is currently working its way through station installations. While CBAA cannot advise when Telstra is planning on attending each individual station, Telstra should be getting in touch with each station in advance of arrival.

Some stations have more complex installations and are being scoped in separate and/or further rounds of installations.

Will it happen in business hours?

Most stations will be contacted in business hours, with occasional requests for weekend access.

What does the install include?

A data link and router (typically two rack units) is being provided and installed, preferably in rack space at your station premises.  

Works may include Telstra installing new or additional cabling from the street to the termination point in your facility. Typically this will be alongside your station’s existing networking equipment. We suggest you ask the Telstra installer to locate the Network Termination Unit (NTU) and router in your equipment rack and that they be connected to an uninterruptible power supply.

Do we connect it to a computer or our network?

Do not yet connect the equipment to station networks or infrastructure. The CBAA will be providing further advice on the next steps. Connection methods may vary on a case-by-case basis depending on the station’s content exchange requirements.

Will this use my station’s current internet and communications services?

No - the new link exists separately to the station’s existing internet and other outside networking arrangements (i.e. studio-transmitter links, outside broadcast connectivity).

Connection to the DDN will not affect the performance or billing of existing station internet or phone services.    

Do we need to be on NBN for DDN?

No - in preparation of the rollout each individual station has been scoped for a specific installation. In all cases, including NBN locations, Telstra will provision custom station end equipment and the core network will still be Telstra (the Telstra MPLS core).

Telstra have accounted for station sites undergoing NBN connection, and in some cases NBN contractors will be carrying out elements of the DDN installation.

What does this installation cost the station?

Installation and ongoing costs related to the DDN are covered by existing funding granted through the Community Broadcasting Foundation.

Will the satellite service remain?

There is no planned change to CRN audio services delivered via the VAST satellite service. The CBAA is committed to maintaining live audio services over satellite into the long term.

Will my current generation DDN machine continue to work?

Yes - there will be a period of both current and incoming services being in operation. We will be giving stations the time and support to changeover to the new DDN system. At this stage, there is no sunset date for the retirement of current services.

What happens next?

CBAA will advise of the next steps and dates for the data link to become operational, and to be interconnected with station equipment.

Contact the CBAA or keep up to date on this page.

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