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Helen Henry, 12th February 2016

Applications for a new grant opportunity are now open to assist community broadcasting organisations to plan for the future.

CBAA Webinars

Danny Chifley, 21st December 2015

*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*
Raising funds and creating revenue is essential to ensuring that your station remains sustainable. The 2016 series of CBAA Webinars begins with a look at a topic of perpetual interest to all community broadcasters, maximising the effectiveness of fundraising at your station.

CBAA Webinars

Danny Chifley, 21st April 2015

*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*
Join in our free webinar and draw on the experience of fellow community broadcasters who have run successful radiothon fundraisers.

CBAA Webinars

enadmin, 30th May 2014

Held on the evening of Tuesday 27 May, the first CMTO/CBAA Webinar of 2014 looked at the always relevant topic of fundraising. Community broadcasters rely on the financial support of their respective communities to remain viable. Although sponsorship has traditionally served as the preferred method for raising revenue, there are a range of alternative streams available for stations to utilise.