Latest news

enadmin, 22nd August 2013

2SER and the National Radio News are anchoring a nationally-focused night of election coverage through the Community Radio Network.

"Sideways Through Sound" image

enadmin, 9th April 2013

Winner of the CBAA's 2012 Excellence in Music Programming award, 2ser's Sideways Through Sound is now available to stations and listeners across Australia through the Community Radio Network.

enadmin, 25th March 2013

2SER will unveil exciting new programming changes in May including a local news service and a regular paid breakfast show.

Star Observer Pop Up Radio image

enadmin, 1st March 2013

JOY 949 & 2SER are the only community broadcasters to bring you the glitz and glamour live from the parade so don’t miss this opportunity to hear all the fun and excitement in the lead up to and from the Mardi Gras Parade!

Star Observer Pop Up Radio image

enadmin, 18th February 2013

Star Observer Digital is the first community radio digital pop-up station in Sydney and is a collaboration between Sydney's 2SER 107.3, Melbourneʼs JOY 94.9 and iconic LGBTI newspaper, the Star Observer.

enadmin, 14th February 2013

World conquering Australian musician Gotye was recently interviewed live as part of 2SER's In Conversation.

enadmin, 4th December 2012

Congratulations to all winners of CBAA Awards in 2013, including the following programs which can be found right here on CRN.

enadmin, 30th November 2012

In Conversation is 2SER and Groovescooter's live Q & A event with interesting people from here and around the world.

mwalters_2, 29th May 2012

The Phantom Dancer is a treasure trove of swing, jazz & dance from live 1920s-60s radio & TV, presented by Greg Poppleton from the studios of 2SER in Sydney.

Sydney digital community launch

Alex White, 10th June 2011

On Tuesday, May 24th, Sydney eight city wide community radio stations launched digital radio services, providing Sydney with more choice and new ways to listen to the city's most diverse and accessible media.

Michelle O'Connor, 1st August 2010

Recognising the historical partnership between the community broadcasting and higher education sectors, this paper reviews the pioneer educational program Talking to New England as collaboration between the University of New England and 2SER. It also documents the contributions to learning and teaching at Charles Sturt University (CSU) over three decades by 2MCE and evaluates the potential contributions of the station to the development of new teaching resources such as educational podcasting. This paper also outlines a pilot project at CSU established to investigate whether the “explaining voice” as a style of vocal presentation closely aligned to radio broadcasting traditions, could be adopted for university audio learning.