International Migrants Day poster

Radio 1812

enadmin, 30th October 2012

Radio 1812 is an annual global radio marathon marking International Migrants Day (December 18).

In 2011 over 100 radio participants from 50 countries worldwide joined in, and this year Radio 1812 is hoping for increased participation from Australia. Coordinator René Plaetevoet says “radio is a wonderful tool to help reach millions across the world and to give a voice to migrants, raise awareness about their concerns as well as their achievements.”

Radio 1812 brings together participants from all continents: national-level radio stations, international broadcasters as well as community-based initiatives and civil society organizations.

The Radio 1812 team will gather the audio material as it is broadcast or made available by participating radio stations and post it online, where visitors will be able to listen or download the programmes for re-broadcasting.

Radio1812 recently launched a new audio magazine: ODYSSEIA! The pilot edition focuses on the routes migrants take and the difficulties and challenges they face when moving from one country to another. It includes reports on Mexico and Morocco, and a feature interview with Ska Keller, member of the European Parliament for the Greens.

The magazine is available here.

René Plaetevoet is encouraging Australian stations to rebroadcast (parts of) the magazine, and welcomes any Australian-produced migration-related content on the Radio 1812 site. "Radio1812 is only possible thanks to the cooperation of radio stations and organizations like yours. We really hope that you will join us once again and are looking forward to hearing from you soon”.

A second edition of the audio magazine will be published later in 2012, focusing on migrant domestic workers, and special reports from both the World Social Forum on Migration and the Global Forum on Migration and Development.

Is your station interested in broadcasting this content?

Or are you a producer who could supply material to Radio 1812?

For further information contact:

René Plaetevoet
Coordinator, Radio1812

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Meet the producers, mentors and selection panel for the National Features & Documentary Series 2021.


This article provides a critical examination of community media practices by young recently arrived African refugees and Cambodian young migrants in Western Sydney, Australia. Against the backdrop of contemporary cultural politics of migration in Australia the article is grounded on a recent participatory community media research project conducted in 2008-2009, which aimed to conceptualise the emerging spaces for claiming new forms of citizen agency and contest the general representations of newly arrived migrants in the mainstream media. The paper argues that community media is better positioned to recognise changing attitudes towards migrants and refugees, and that these changes must also take place from the bottom up. Extending existing notions of citizens’ media the paper articulates a view that young media practitioners become active citizens in the exercise of their civil and communication rights and their self-representation, by owning the process of content creation and communication, thus redefining the content (rather than the form) of what citizenship means in different social contexts.


Available to stations for local rebroadcast, this new poetry series from the Red Room Company, in collaboration with several community radio stations and the CBAA, features 10 living Australian poets who have been commissioned to write poems for and about a dead poet of their choosing.