2013 Digital Radio Report

enadmin, 26th March 2013

The 2013 Digital Radio Industry Report is the fourth report on the progress of digital radio in Australia. Compiled by Commercial Radio Australia (CRA), it is a comprehensive collection of official data and consumer research focusing on the status of DAB+ digital radio.

Adoption of digital radio in Australia has exceeded industry expectations. Launched in August 2009 following the global financial crisis, into what many have described as one of the worst retail environments in decades, adoption of digital radio is tracking ahead of forecast.

The latest research shows that uptake of digital radio has increased. This report includes detailed breakdowns and comparative figures on TSL and listening by age, platform and place.

The main findings are:

  • Almost 1.5 million people or 11.6% of radio listeners listen on a DAB+ digital radio each week. This is an increase of nearly 300,000 people over the same period in 20121;
  • TSL to radio via the DAB+ digital radio platform is more than double that of TSL to radio on the internet;
  • The 2012 Christmas and New Year retail period recorded the biggest quarterly jump in digital radio sales since launch. By the end of January 2013 nearly 1.2 million digital devices have been sold since August 2009 with 153,187 being sold in the Oct-Jan period;
  • Nearly 14,000 DAB+ enabled vehicles have been sold;
  • Digital radio household penetration is tracking well ahead of the PwC forecast and is currently at 15.2% of households. The March 2012 forecast predicted household penetration would reach 16% by December 2013 and 18% by June 2014. Even at the 2011 forecast levels this would represent one of the fastest take-ups of any new technology in Australia.

The success of the rollout and promotion of digital radio in the metropolitan markets has shown the industry is well placed to continue to drive the rollout into regional areas. Ensuring digital radio is available to regional markets remains a priority. After complex
planning and cost modeling a cost effective funding proposal has been submitted to the Federal Government.

The 2013 Digital Radio Report is available here.

For further information on digital broadcasting for community radio stations, go to the Commit to Community Radio website.

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On 3 September 2014, the CBAA and sector bodies representing community broadcasters gathered for morning tea with Federal politicians to continue to highlight the role of community broadcasting services in Australian media.


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