RPH Australia appoints Executive Officer

Helen Henry, 13th April 2016

RPH Australia, the peak body for the Radio Reading Network serving people with a print disability, has appointed its first Executive Officer since 2002 after a recruitment campaign that saw interest from Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart. 

Vaughn Bennison, Chair of RPH Australia said he was pleased to announce that Marilyn Alborough,  a highly experienced CEO in the NFP sector, was the successful candidate.

"Marilyn has all the qualities we were looking for in this new and pivotal role: keen intelligence, a solid and rounded background in governance, and a good sense of humour."

He relayed how Marilyn's opening line, that: "managing in the NFP sector is not for the faint-hearted", won him over.

The decision to create the role was part of an intense strategic overhaul of the RPH network.

"Each decision made at that Strategy exercise late in 2015 was vital, and acted on immediately", Bennison said.

One of those strategic decisions was to reflect a culture that merged the community service orientation of their Network operations, with an efficiency and professionalism which was emblematic of its 36 years of operation.

"We are an organisation whose members are served by over 1500 volunteers. In an environment where the NFP sector, and community broadcasting in particular, faces all the challenges of a modern business environment, we were keen to demonstrate best practise in every aspect of this selection, and merge it with our culture of altruism, respect and a belief that our whole community benefits from the contribution of diverse elements of the community".

As a result he believes a high calibre and large number of applicants was attracted.

"We were so very impressed with the applicants - and would like to thank all those who so thoughtfully considered the aspects of this role and submitted such high quality applications," he said.

"There were 4 Board members on the selection panel, and it was an arduous task, full of rigour," Bennison states. "Marilyn is a good match for us culturally, as well as ticking many, many boxes in the professional stakes."

Marilyn Alborough is due to start 18 April and will be located in Melbourne.

For further information on RPH Australia is available here, or please contact Maria Walsh on 0417 453 643 or Vaughn Bennison, Chair RPH Australia, on 0477 505 494.

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