Highland FM awarded 2020 Tony Staley Award

Danny Chifley, 20th November 2020
Tony Staley was instrumental in the development of the community broadcasting sector. The winner of the Tony Staley Award is a community broadcasting organisation or initiative that actively promotes the values of community broadcasting in the areas of democracy, diversity, access and independence.

This award attracts a cash prize of $2,500 supported by the Community Broadcasting Foundation.

There's no understating how much the station were blown away by the news that they had won the Tony Staley Award in 2020. Once Highland FM Station Manager Adam Stokeld had recovered from what was a very pleasant surprise, he wrote the following to the CBAA:

2020 is a year that will long be remembered and now, certainly, never to be forgotten by Highland FM 107.1.  For our little station to win the Tony Staley Award is beyond anything that we could have hoped, or dared to dream.  

In accepting the award, it is with great humility and appreciation we thank the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia for recognising our work and the Community Broadcasting Foundation for sponsoring the award. 

Thanks too must go to our sponsors who have stayed with us (and throughout the darkness of Covid-19) and to our community partners who supported us with our back-to-back campaigns to bring awareness to mental health and community issues, struggling retailing and the local music industry. We pay homage to our listeners who "tuned in" in greater numbers and supported our community drives.

Last but not least, credit must go to our volunteers. This has been a year of great change for Highland FM and they have embraced that change and excelled with a team spirit that is unmatched.  Highland FM is a nice place to be; we are a happy and passionate group who are united in our commitment to continue with our work. 

How great this award is for our volunteer presenters, our management team, our board and for the Southern Highlands community. Thank you.

Congratulations to Highland FM, winners of the Tony Staley award for 2020. 

Find out more about the 2020 CBAA Community Radio Award winners.

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Adam Stoked, Station Manager, Highland FM


*Past webinar, click through to watch recording.* 

Just as visual branding can define the look and feel of a product, audio branding can define your community radio station’s sound. 


*Past webinar, click through to watch recording.* 

Second in a two-part webinar that looks at how you can use the theory and practice of audio production to shape the sound of your station and position your brand positively in the mind (and ears) of your audience and community.