Annual General Meetings


Here you'll find resources to help you call and run your station's Annual General Meetings.

Annual General Meeting toolkit

Our friends at Mills Oakley Lawyers have created a practical legal guide to help you administer and prepare for your AGM. This toolkit includes a template 'Notice of Meeting' and advice on what to do before, during, and after an AGM.

Annual General Meeting agenda template

The Australian Charities and Not for profits Commission (ACNC) is the national independent regulator of charities. The ACNC's Annual General Meeting agenda template lists suggested items that the meeting should cover, and who on the governing body should be responsible for each item. 

Annual General Meeting minutes template

The ACNC's Annual general meeting minutes template provides a handy guide on how to record minutes for an annual general meeting.

AGM Info and Activity Sheet

Using the constitution to guide meetings, structures and processes will help ensure your station is complying. This sheet provides an example of how one community radio station refers to its constitution to guide its operations.

Developed by the Community Media Training Organisation.

Please note that these templates are examples only. Consult internal documentation or contact the CBAA for clarification of any points.