Developing a Diversity Policy


The community broadcasting sector is governed by defining principles, that ensure broadcasters work to promote and enhance harmony and diversity in Australian society. According to the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice, it is a station's responsibility to 'have written policies and procedures in place that promote diversity and encourage community participation' (Code 2).

With this in mind, it is hoped that your station has a Diversity Policy or something similar in place, which outlines your station's inclusive organisational standpoint.

The business case for gender equity

It is important in order to develop such a policy, that your station and board or management committee understand the importance of a diverse organisation. Research shows that diverse workforces improve the creativity and productivity of an organisation, as well as the retention of staff and volunteers, and their wellbeing. This research from the Australian Government outlines the case for gender diversity, but its findings can also be extended to understand the importance of involving people from all walks of life, including Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and Indigenous people, those from the LGBTQI community, people with disabilities and those of different ages and experiences.

Issues to consider in developing or reviewing a policy on diversity

The Governance Institute of Australia concludes that it is considered good governance to have a PDF icon Diversity Policy. Diversity is a matter of good business, good management and good governance, and it underpins an organisation’s desire to improve longterm performance.