CBAA Political Engagement Toolkit

Political Engagement Toolkit


Designed for staff, volunteers and committee members at Australian community radio stations, this toolkit highlights the need for and benefits of political engagement as well as providing easy to follow insights into how to do it successfully.

CBAA Political Engagement ToolkitThe complete CBAA Political Engagement Toolkit can be downloaded as pdfs here or viewed online below:






Benefits of Political Engagement

Done successfully, political engagement will strengthen the connection of your station to the communities you broadcast to.

Understanding Politicians

!QAs in all forms of communication, knowing who you are talking to, how they think and what they want is crucially important.

Promoting Community Radio

When you are talking to your politicians, you need to be prepared to promote community radio.

Tools of Engagement

Like with most other campaigns, a successful political engagement campaign will combine a variety of different strategies.


Partisan politics can be a vicious business and stations are right to tread carefully.


Tales, tips and ideas from the world of political engagement.