
CBAA Live Music Submission Still

Isabella Lee, 15th July 2024

CBAA's submission to the inquiry into Australia's live music industry, that spotlights the vital role that community broadcasters play in bolstering live music and Australian musicians.

A number of hands scrolling through their phones

Frieda Lee, 18th May 2022

The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia, First Nations Media Australia and the Local & Independent News Association prepared a joint submission reviewing the operation of the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code from the perspective of independent, community-based news publishers and broadcasters.

A group of people from Bay FM posing for a photo while taking part in the flood clean up.

Frieda Lee, 18th May 2022

The CBAA has made submissions to the NSW Government on the vital role played by local community broadcasters during the 2022 flooding and other emergencies. 

Frieda Lee, 8th February 2022

The CBAA has made a submission to the Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts’ inquiry into Australia’s regional newspapers showcasing the innovative work community broadcasters are doing in the local news space.

hfriedlander, 21st January 2021

CBAA and First Nations Media Australia joint submission.


hfriedlander, 21st January 2021

The CBAA makes a submission to the Commonwealth Government's Media Diversity in Australia inquiry.

8CCC presenter interviewing two women at the Big Day Out in Harmony

hfriedlander, 9th September 2020

Contribute to this Federal Government inquiry.


hfriedlander, 2nd September 2020

Follow up submission made by the CBAA and First Nations Media Australia.

hfriedlander, 3rd July 2020

The CBAA and First Nations Media Australia makes joint submission.

Radio East Gippsland

hfriedlander, 27th May 2020

The devastating bushfires that impacted vast regions of Australia towards the end of 2019 and into 2020 saw over 80 community radio stations broadcasting in fire affected areas or to fire affected communities.