Victorian Seniors Festival Community Radio Network

Radio Reimagined: Victorian Seniors Festival 2020

amclellan, 1st July 2020

Radio Reimagined runs from July to October 2020 with content available for airplay on local community radio stations.

In 2020 the annual Victorian Seniors Festival, presented by the Victorian State Government is running until October online.

As many older community members regard radio as a primary source of information and entertainment, the festival has worked to offer Australian community radio stations a monthly selection of high quality radio plays, spoken word, poetry and music features from the 40s to the current day, including interviews with performers and presenters.

Produced for audiences and stations across Australia, the result is Radio Reimagined: radio programs that respond to the interests of the older seniors demographic and provide them with entertainment and connections that resonate with them.

At the start of each month, a wonderful trove of programming produced for audiences all over Australia is available to community radio stations. 

Radio Reimagined - October content

Radio Reimagined - September content

Radio Reimagined - August content

Radio Reimagined - July content

For CRN subscribers:

  • All content is available for download or via FTP
  • Available for airplay from July to October 2020
  • Presented for a national audience
  • For more information contact CRN staff on 02 9310 2999 or email [email protected]

Not a CRN subscriber, but want to find out more about getting content like this for your station? Read more here.

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A guide to the programs currently being broadcast/distributed via the CBAA's Community Radio Network to community radio stations all over Australia.

Kahl Wallace from The Medics

Community Radio Network special broadcasts and content broadcast during the Extras 1 and Extras 2 time in the Program Guide.



At the end of October 2017, Listen To Older Voices celebrated its 1000th continuous weekly program. 


The Victorian Seniors Festival is a week-long celebration for older Victorians held annually. Events and activities take place across all Victorian councils to celebrate and acknowledge the contribution of Victoria's older people.


Healthy ageing, especially for Australians aged 55 and over.