Victorian Seniors Festival On Air

enadmin, 13th September 2013

The Victorian Seniors Festival is a week-long celebration for older Victorians held annually. Events and activities take place across all Victorian councils to celebrate and acknowledge the contribution of Victoria's older people.

The Community Broadcasting Association of Victoria (CBAV) is partnering with the Victorian Seniors Festival to help promote the festival and to also provide resources for station use.

The CBAV is the peak body for Victorian community broadcasting stations. Their mission is to assist the development of community broadcasters in Victoria, facilitating co-operation and the exchange of ideas within the sector.

In addition to distribution of Victorian Seniors Festival information, the CBAV will produce a range of segments covering the event, including snapshots of the Festival, coverage of concerts and exhibitions and much more.

To help facilitate the process, the CBAV will be offering payments to stations for production costs of locally produced material submitted for possible statewide distribution.

Email the CBAV to find out how your station can get involved.

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4.15pm Wednesday April 10th 2013
'Same Song, Same Time' will see a broad cross section of Victorian community broadcasters broadcasting the same song at the same time. This initiative is an official event for National Youth Week and supported by the Victorian Government.


And what it means for community broadcasters by Ken Thompson.


Play VIC Week is a state-wide event on Victorian community radio. From August 5 - 11, community radio stations across Victoria are encouraged to feature Victorian singers, songwriters and bands.