

In an ever-changing media landscape, radio is no longer solely about audio content. New generations of listeners increasingly expect a more visual experience to sit alongside their daily radio show. 

Communicating with your stakeholders and community of interest is vital to ensure you are representing them in both programming and operations.

This research commissioned by the CBF provides data you can use to articulate the importance of your station to stakeholders and better understand your staff, volunteers and listeners.

Twitter can and should be an integral part of your station's communication and social media strategy. Here's how:

Sending a regular newsletter can be a great way to engage with your community of interest, encourage two-way dialogue, inform your audience and help turn an occasional listener into a super fan

Facebook Live is a live streaming service you can use for free using Facebook. Here's some tips how.

Five ways to improve internal communication at your NFP, assisting not-for-profits in communicating with one of the most crucial target audiences of all - their own staff.

A communications strategy is designed to help you and your organisation communicate effectively and meet core organisational objectives.

Find out how you can use Facebook to promote your community radio program and build relationships with your biggest fans outside the time you spend on-air.

How the CBAA can help

The CBAA supports members' communication by providing assistance developing relevant policies, such as those related to social media and email use. Get in touch to find out more.