What sort of funding should I go for?


In order to ensure your community radio station is financially sustainable, it's important to consider diversifying your station's revenue stream. This means that if one of the station's sources of income were to dry up, there were others to draw from.

What sort of funding should I go for?

Creative Partnerships Australia has developed this handy overview of the types of revenue your station could consider exploring, from sponsorship to crowdfunding, to individual donations, philanthropy, government grants, generating your own revenue & more!

As well as the more traditional sponsorship avenue, grants from organisations like the Community Broadcasting Foundation and the popular crowdfunding model, the above resource touches on private sector giving and philanthropy.

An overview of private sector support

Get the low-down on the private sector, its terminology and types of giving.

Philanthropy and private giving 101

As well as an overview of the sector, this resource looks at how to write a successful application.

How to approach philanthropic foundations

Philanthropic trusts and foundations are entities set up to distribute funds for charitable purposes. Each one is different and has different aims and requirements - read this guide for a few tips on how to approach them.