Disability Media Australia


CBAA and Disability Media Australia management agreement

The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) and Disability Media Australia (DMA) (formerly RPH Australia) will work collaboratively for another three years to 30 June 2024 to benefit the Radio Reading Network. Under the agreement extension, CBAA and DMA will continue to be co-managed by Jon Bisset, the CBAA CEO, but will remain governed by two separate boards of directors. This will preserve the uniqueness of the Network’s programs and services. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do DMA and CBAA have a management agreement?

One of the key benefits is that the agreement allows for better use of resources. The two organisations are significantly aligned in their missions and have a substantial overlap in their memberships. This means that CBAA and the Radio Reading Network can take advantage of their synergies by sharing links, contracts, knowledge, and skills. By centralising some key functions, DMA will enjoy efficiency savings and administrative duplication will be reduced.

By joining forces, the groups remain strong and resilient. This better enables the progression of DMA’s mission to serve the specific and widening community interest of people with a print disability.

How will DMA be governed?

CBAA and DMA will continue to be co-managed by Jon Bisset, the CBAA CEO, but will remain governed by two separate boards of directors. This will preserve the uniqueness of the programs and services offered.

Why is DMA looking into creating a digital multimedia platform?

By evolving the legacy of the Radio Reading Network to a collaborative multimedia digital platform, we hope to better support 4.3 million Australians with disabilities as well as the 2.8 million who act as recognised carers, plus their parents and support communities. By updating to the latest technology, while complimenting traditional AM, FM and DAB+ broadcasts, this will futureproof DMA as the media landscape continues to change.

What will the digital multimedia platform mean for me?

For users, the new platform will mean better access to the programs and services DMA offers. They will be accessible on mobile or portable devices, such as mobile phones, by satellite or terrestrial services or a combination of the two. Most programs will be offered on demand, which means as long as you have access to the internet via a PC, broadcasts and content can be accessed when it suits you, and the programs can be replayed as required.

I’m from a Reading Radio Network station, who do I contact for questions and support?

For support, you can contact any of the CBAA’s member services team on 02 9310 2999 or via [email protected]