CRN Segments Round 4: Spoken Word Australia (3CR)

amclellan, 27th February 2017
Hear some of Australia's best contemporary poets.
  • Producer: Di Cousens, Peter Davis, Santo Cazzati
  • Station: 3CR Melbourne
  • Duration: 05:00 minutes per segment
  • Tags: poetry, literature, performance, arts
  • Suitable for: arts programs, literature/poetry programs
  • Download PDF icon Spoken Word Australia Episode Synopses

Spoken Word Australia connects listeners with Australia's diverse poetry community. The poets are young and old and from many different backgrounds. Some are principally known for their published work and some are better known for their performance work. Poets read their own work and also reflect on and read the poetry that has inspired them. This program has a number of different producers, each of whom has distinct enthusiasms. 

These and many other Segments are available for broadcast on your local station. Download all episodes here.

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