Spoken Word Programming


Community broadcasting services operate for the benefit of the community and to represent our chosen community of interest. As a sector, we pursue the principles of democracy, access and equity, especially for people and issues not adequately represented in other media. We enhance the diversity of programming choices available to the public, present programs that expand the variety of viewpoints broadcast in Australia and demonstrate independence in programming as well as in editorial and management decisions.

As part of fulfilling this valuable role, the sector offers range of information and talk – based programming, including general spoken word programming, news bulletins and current affairs programming.

CBAA has put together a factsheet and toolkit for broadcasters that outlines their legal responsibilities and the practicalities involved with converting on-air content into podcasts. 

We answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) around political sponsorship of community radio broadcasting stations.


What does the News Media Bargaining Code mean for our sector?

Guidelines issued by Australia’s media union advise all journalists to exercise care and balance when covering race issues and to be mindful not to allow their work to be used to promote extremist views or hate speech.

The effective communication of public information and warnings is a critical element of emergency management, with the power to save lives.

National guidelines have been developed by Our Watch to provide tips and information the media can use to ensure their reporting does not further harm victim-survivors and is part of the solution to violence against all women and their children.

Outlining the valuable community service that is on-air live reading of newspapers, magazines and other publications, providing access to information for people who might otherwise be unable to access it. 

A detailed handbook to assist stations covering Indigenous affairs, including a contacts list.

Media coverage of LGBTQI issues has moved beyond simplistic political dichotomies and towards more fully realised representations of the diversity of the LGBTQI community. This includes LGBTQI people's lives and their families. Here are some handy resources.

The Australian Government’s Mindframe National Media Initiative (Mindframe) aims to encourage responsible, accurate and sensitive representation of mental illness and suicide in the Australian mass media.