Getting to know the NDIS

amclellan, 16th May 2017

Spotlight on the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Produced by Vision Australia Radio, in conjunction with the National Disability Insurance Agency

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is rolling out across Australia and will be fully operational by 2019.

Demystfying the scheme, and available to stations through the CRN comes the two-part Spotlight on the NDIS. Hear about the process of signing up, and assistance available to those directly involved alongside the broader community on their journey.

Presented by Stella Glorie, this series features key National Disability Insurance Agency staff that help explain the fundamentals of the NDIS, from how to access the scheme and basic participant requirements, to individual planning and goal setting.

For CRN subscribers:

Not a CRN subscriber, but want to find out more about getting content like this for your station? Read more here.

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