No Tunnel No Way 1

No Tunnel No Way (3CR, Melbourne)

CBAA Web Articles., 18th September 2014

By Annie McLoughlin

You get a letter.
Your house is to be 'compulsorily acquired' for a toll road.
The house you were born in.
The house you have lived in for 70 years.
This is what happened to Keith Fitzgerald, residen of Collingwood, Melbourne in 2013. 
Keith and hundreds of other Melbournians join together in a campaign of resistance against the East West Link Project. This project plans to cut a swathe through Collingwood, Clifton Hill, Fitzroy on into park lands of Royal Park.
No Tunnel No Way documents their struggle.

The Picket
The protest starts with a six month long picket around the Linking Melbourne Authorities exploratory drilling. Stationed along the main thorough fare of Alexander Parade morning commuters are given a front row seat to the struggle. Hundreds of police protecting drilling sites & the demonstrators who are calling for better Public Transport not a new toll road. Toot for Trains.

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The Rally & Legal Action
Once the drilling stops campaigners go on outreach tours to other Victorian communities. They build up to a Rally and take legal action. Victorian's are not going to go quietly when it comes to tying up $8 billion of public money without a business plan from a Government elected on a pro-public transport platform.

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Timing is Everything
Victoria goes to the polls on Nov 29th, 2014. No Tunnel No Way takes you to just before the finish line. The protest has made public transport a major election issue. The trustworthiness of a Government that tries to solve high unemployment with a toll road designed in the 1960s is in question. What will the Labor opposition do? No Tunnel No Way puts you at the moment of community action against arrogant government indifference. Protesters refuse to give up 'their duty to their Melbourne'.


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The 12 pieces made for the inaugural Documentary & Features Competition, run by the CBAA and the CMTO, are ready for airtime. These will be available to stations for local broadcast through the CRN programming service in October and November.


PBS 106.7FM has secured $500,000 to kick start its move to the Collingwood Arts Precinct thanks to the State Government of Victoria.


The growth of the internet and related technologies such as mobile phones, digital film and photography in the last decade has seen a substantial shift in the way young people communicate and share information. The role that information and communication technologies (ICT) may play and the impact they may have on the mental health and wellbeing of young people is not well understood and there are gaps in the evidence base surrounding the efficacy of mental health promotion and prevention initiatives that utilise technology. The Bridging the Digital Divide Project examines the potential use of ICT to promote social connectedness and civic engagement in young people experiencing marginalisation. This paper provides an overview of the project rationale and presents preliminary research that explores the barriers and enablers to implementing an ICT based project designed to promote civic engagement and social connectedness with young people experiencing marginalisation.