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Update on Radio Adelaide

Helen Henry, 29th January 2016

Radio Adelaide has provided an update about the station's future via its online petition page. It is published in full below.

Further updates will be provided following the University of Adelaide's announcement today.

Hi Radio Adelaide supporters,

The University of Adelaide plans to make an announcement tomorrow (Friday 29 January) about its intention to transfer Radio Adelaide’s community radio license to another organisation.

Radio Adelaide broadcasters, staff, volunteers, subscribers and listeners have not been included in the process of selecting this organisation. 

So the announcement will be a surprise for us as much as for you. 

Everyone at Radio Adelaide will need time to consider the implications for the station, and our communities, when the decision is revealed.

We ask you to consider the University’s announcement in the light of this. We will provide a considered response as soon as possible.

We understand four organisations responded to the University’s unexpected call for Expressions of Interest just before Christmas. 

Volunteers and staff have made consistent attempts to be part of the process, to no avail. The University promises extensive consultation now the decision has been made.

While we are excited about the possibilities for a new and independent station, we want to ensure the community has a voice and genuine involvement in its future. 

As you know Radio Adelaide broadcasters have been living with an uncertain future since the University gave notice, in November 2014, that it was selling the station’s home at 228 North Terrace.

On November 30 last year, the University launched a public consultation about future options for Radio Adelaide, with five options on the table. These were developed through a Review of the station, which found Radio Adelaide provided significant value to the University and the broader community. 

There was an enormous public response to the #saveradad campaign in December and the vast majority of submissions to the University, along with the more than 6000 signatories to this petition, advocated strongly for Option 2. 

Option 2 outlined a gradual transition to a new organisation with the station community involved. This seemed a good option for everyone. 

The enormous community contribution to the station, which is all now an asset of the University, would be properly recognised by working with the wishes of the station community including its listeners. The University could respect the amazing legacy they created and deliver it to a viable new future.

However despite this overwhelming message, the University chose an option not presented: to negotiate with existing organisations to take over the licence.

Thanks again for your continuing support and we hope Radio Adelaide can continue to be and provide all that you've told us in your comments here.

Get background information on this issue here.

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Radio Adelaide, Australia’s longest running community radio station, is calling upon supporters to speak out, before it’s too late.


The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has approved the transfer of Radio Adelaide's licence.


On 19 February, it was announced by the The University of Adelaide that it would enter an agreement with Fresh 92.7 to secure a future for Radio Adelaide as an independent community radio station.