A Way To Tie The Knot Logo

A Way to Tie the Knot? (2RRR, Sydney)

Lachlan Wyllie, 14th October 2016

By Vanita Sathasivam

We, humans, are social creatures and as such, we are on a quest to partner up in some form of a relationship.

For some, the search for that one person that would make their heart sing for a lifetime comes easily. For the rest of us, we find it hard to find that one gem that we think we are destined for. And still, others have to get off the carousel and start again because things did not go to plan and simply fell apart.

In this documentary, I explore the theories of partnering and share my and other people's personal stories. I ask, can the ancient Indian custom of matching a couple by using astrology which is based on the time of one's birth be accurate in its predictions of matrimonial success? And is online dating, using a particular set of criteria like your hobbies, your education level or the suburb you live in any different?

Wedding Rings on a knotPortrait shot of vanita

This is very personal and unfortunately, I was in the hard basket. My upbringing in the Sri Lankan community in Malaysia meant dating was frown upon and arranged marriages the norm. My gem was not among the 15 attempts I had. In Australia, I tried online dating, speed-dating and matchmakers and I found that in today's fast-paced society I was not the only person having a hard time. However, I must say that my years "on the shelf" or "in the market" makes me an expert of sorts and a sensitive handler of the material shared here.

Come along for the journey to see if there is indeed a secret formula in folds of the stories that could shine some light on the topic 'Is there a best way to find a partner?'

If nothing else, this documentary will entertain and inform with views and practices from the world of matchmaking.

This piece was made for the CBAA's National Features & Documentary Series 2016, a showcase of work by new and emerging Australian community radio producers, with training and mentoring provided by the Community and Media Training Organisation. The opinions expressed in National Features & Documentary Series content are those of the individual producers or their interviewees, and not necessarily shared by the CBAA or CMTO.

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