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Why we love our Commit to Community Radio supporters

enadmin, 28th March 2013


If there is one word to sum up the response we’ve had from supporters of Commit to Community Radio so far, it’s… wow.

It’s obvious that listeners, subscribers and supporters of community radio are a committed bunch.

But just how committed should surprise and embolden everyone who has signed up to call on Canberra to lock in our #digitalfuture

Right now the campaign is fast approaching 35,000 campaign supporters, all which have joined in a matter of weeks.

On our recent national day of action alone, some 20,000 supporters joined the campaign within 24 hours.

These results alone are testament to the great work of supporters for spreading the word, and a credit to the staff and volunteers from community radio stations across the country for lighting up the airwaves.

Support from listeners is one thing but for real success we need Canberra to heed our calls to reverse the $1.4 million shortfall in the upcoming May budget.

And that’s where supporters should really feel proud, because so far more than 7600 people have sent messages telling Senator Conroy that digital services are too important to go off air.

Another 7500 messages have been sent to a whopping 140 local MPs.

These results are echoed on Facebook, where we’ve received more than 4100 likes.

Tomorrow there will be still more for everyone to do. We need to keep spreading the word that Canberra must lock in our digital services.

But today, take a moment to pat yourself on the back for the incredible support you’ve already lent to secure a #digitalfuture

You’ve done community radio proud.

Read more about the Commit to Community Radio campaign.

Click here to 'like' the Commit to Community Radio campaign on facebook.

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The Commit to Community Radio campaign launched on 20 February and has so far attracted strong support and gained national media attention. This support continues to grow and the CBAA extends its thanks to all who have signed up to the campaign so far.


On Thursday 20 March 2014, the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia’s Commit to Community Radio campaign claimed some fantastic recognition as one of the best performing campaigns of late by winning a CommsCon award. The CommsCon awards recognise excellence in the fields of PR and communication.


On Wednesday 27 March, the NSW Greens moved a motion in Parliament supporting the Commit to Community Radio campaign.