Youth forum at conference

Exchange, engage and build partnerships - two more sessions announced for CBAA Conference

hfriedlander, 8th August 2017

Workshops on engaging and building partnerships with young people and exchanging content have been added to the bustling 2017 CBAA Conference program.

Learn how to develop your board's diversity, get tips for your CBF grant applications and about collaboration tools for volunteers, and more at this year's conference!

Over two jam-packed days, the CBAA conference is your chance to get the latest on what's happening in the sector, network with broadcasters from all over Australia and learn from sector leaders, experts and your peers. 

Two more workshops have just been announced today, covering youth engagement and content exchanges:

Using Communication & Partnerships to Engage Young People

What does youth engagement and participation look like at your station? Do you find that it’s a case of the door is always open but no one is walking through it? Or is it that there is a pool of young people trying to get in but no real support for their participation? Either way youth engagement is an important part of keeping our stations moving and thriving. In this panel, hear from young people from stations big and small and discuss effective communication and engagement strategies, what opportunities lie in building partnerships with schools and institutions and how to maintain meaningful relationships with young people.

Your Station's Place in the Community Radio Network

Content exchange has been happening in community radio since its very beginnings and remains an important part of our sector today. Find out how your station can maximise its connection to the national Community Radio Network (CRN) – as both a contributor and subscriber. CRN distributes high-quality program content to support local station material. With over 100 regular weekly programs & segments, and countless specials throughout the year, learn how your station can contribute to or subscribe to get the most out of this service.

These workshops will sit amongst others including:

  • The Power of Connecting to Your Local Business Community
  • Radio Replay – A Revolution for Australian Music and Programming
  • Build From Your Strengths with a Station Content Strategy
  • How To Recruit Amazing New Board Directors with Diversity From Your Membership and Beyond
  • Tech Boot Camp for the Non-Technical: What You Need to Know About Your Station's Stuff
  • CBF Grants: Outcomes, Ideas and Tips

As well as other sessions including our keynote by Tania de Jong - Voices of Innovation - The Power of Positive Human Collisions and the Media Lab - Get hands-on in practical sessions in our Media Lab.

Find out more and register now to save with our special earlybird rate.

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Two new forums about the roles and issues facing women and youth in community broadcasting have been added to the alreading bursting 2017 CBAA Conference program.


Content, programs and programming workshops added to the program.


Sessions on interviewing, editing, smart phone journalism + more, presented in partnership with the CMTO.