ARC approves three-year study to assess community music radio impact

Amy Leiper, 7th April 2022
The Australian Research Council (ARC) has approved a three-year study by Monash University to map and assess the impact of community music radio. The research project, ‘Community Music Radio: Building the Music-Media Ecosystem’, will begin later this year in collaboration with the CBAA, Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) and APRA AMCOS.

This project aims to investigate the economic and sociocultural impact of community music radio. It will assess the detailed relationships between community music radio stations and the Australian music industry. The project is significant in developing a detailed picture of how community radio supports vibrant music industries, allowing the formulation of better-informed policy and industry decision-making.

Andrew Khedoori, CBAA’s Amrap Manager, said, “We want to better understand the relationships between community music radio stations and vibrant Australian music scenes across the country, and the music industry broadly. We know community radio plays a fundamental role in the success of our local artists and this will help us to place a value on that role.

“The challenges which face community radio, and the relationship supporting musicians, will be assessed. As not-for-profit media and a creative industry, this includes funding, organisational and technological issues.”

Stay tuned for more updates.

You can read more about the announcement about this research project by the Acting Minister for Education and Youth, The Hon Stuart Robert here.



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In it's latest round of Linkage projects, the Australian Research Council has awarded $218,000 for a three-year study of Australian community radio's contribution to the Australian music and creative industries.


With the proliferation of global information and communications technologies (ICT), the concept of community no longer has geographical limitations. Yet, from ecological and social perspectives, connecting people and communities to their immediate environment is now more urgent than ever. In this paper we show how an Indigenous led initiative reaches across geographical and cultural gulfs by using digital media in ways that are profoundly embedded in the values associated with specific places. We refer to a grass-roots Indigenous created and led organization that with support from numerous partnerships across Australia has for many years used media to convey cultural and environmental values. The methodology of Traditional Knowledge Revival Pathways (TRKP), co-created according to the ancient knowledge system of the Kuku Thaypan Traditional Owner Elders in Cape York Peninsula, illustrates the way media can be used to traverse disciplinary boundaries and connect both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to places.

We start by describing how the simple act of picking up a camera to film this ancient knowledge system led to the creation of Traditional Knowledge Revival Pathways (TKRP). Then, we explain how the methods of using various media are anchored in the Indigenous sense of country and interconnectedness, embedded in the spiritual, philosophical and ideological perspectives of Traditional Knowledge. We outline processes that scaffold these methods, such as the way media is controlled by participating Indigenous communities and incorporated into practice and research in environmental management. This leads us to discussing some of the roles of different media in reflecting on practices, within and between communities, and translating and communicating across worldviews. We conclude by indicating how using media can connect people to place and inspire their reflection upon the mediation by media in these connections. We propose this provides new insights for improving media tools, training methods and approaches to solution making to issues of environmental, social and economic concern.


Griffith University researchers in 2002 presented the final results of a national survey of community radio stations. The final report ‘Culture Commitment Community – The Australian Community Radio Sector’ contained a wealth of information on the sector and covered many ‘station–based’ perspectives on issues such as localism, funding and sponsorship, Indigenous and ethnic programming and training. A key criticism of this report was the lack of data on community radio audiences. Two years later, an expanded research team received funding from the Australian Research Council along with financial and in-kind support from Department of Communication, Information Technology and the Arts (DCITA), the Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) and the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) to investigate community radio and television audiences. This project is the first comprehensive qualitative audience study of the community media sector in Australia and responds to a need within the sector, from policy bodies and the broader Australian community, to better understand community broadcasters and their diverse audiences. Internationally, this project, in both scale and approach, is unprecedented. Thus, it heralds an exciting and pioneering stage in community broadcasting research. This paper outlines the aims and objectives of the project and our methodology for accessing Australian community media audiences. A qualitative engagement with the diversity of audiences characteristic of the community media sector has demanded new ways of doing audience research. This paper discusses some of the methodological hurdles we have crossed in our attempts to negotiate the research terrain and we raise some of the questions associated with the qualitative method and assert its validity and portability as a tool for better understanding and knowing the nature and composition of community media audiences in Australia.