Amrap Chart Wrap

Amrap, 25th March 2015

Each week, the Amrap Charts show the Top 10 tracks ordered for airplay by community broadcasters through Amrap’s AirIt music distribution service. The Chart Wrap provides weekly analysis and highlights great community radio stations playing Australian music.

Byron Bay Bluesfest on the Community Radio Network

mwalters, 9th March 2015

The Community Radio Network is making a massive 16 hours of live Bluesfest coverage available to stations for local syndication this Easter, through CRN-2.

mwalters, 4th March 2015

A package of one-hour Womadelaide specials is available to community stations this April.

Tales from the Well - stories about water, place and memory

CBAA Web Articles., 18th September 2014

Adelaide tap water tastes disgusting.
It’s renowned for being the worst in Australia and people go to great lengths to get good drinking water from anywhere but the tap. I used to get rain water from my Nan's house in the Adelaide hills but she’s moved and I really miss the taste of her old galv tank. It’s a unique flavor that’s quite different from plastic tanks or bottled spring water. I had to find a new source of good drinking water.

National Features and Documentary Comp logo

CBAA Web Articles., 12th September 2014

The 12 pieces made for the inaugural Documentary & Features Competition, run by the CBAA and the CMTO, are ready for airtime. These will be available to stations for local broadcast through the CRN programming service in October and November.

Photo of Emel Mathlouthi

enadmin, 7th March 2014

On Saturday 8 March, Radio Adelaide is presenting an exclusive broadcast from Womadelaide of Tunisian singer Emel Mathlouthi, available via the CRN.

Star Observer logo

Emma Ramsay, 12th February 2014

Following its successful launch in 2013, Star Observer Digital is back on air until March 16.

Rainbow coloured star

enadmin, 6th February 2014

Star Observer Digital is a pop-up digital radio service collaboration between 2ser 107.3, JOY949, 4ZZZ, Radio Adelaide, RTRFM and the Star Observer for people expressing sex, sexuality and gender diversities.

Adelaide Festival of Ideas poster

enadmin, 23rd January 2014

The Adelaide Festival of Ideas is a chance to explore ideas beyond the sound bite, beyond the quick-fix, beyond the fixed position with guns drawn at midnight.

enadmin, 4th December 2012

Congratulations to all winners of CBAA Awards in 2013, including the following programs which can be found right here on CRN.