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Community radio commits to responsible reporting of domestic violence

Helen Henry, 24th November 2015

Today, on behalf of the community broadcasting sector, the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia joins other media organisations at Parliament House to make a public stand against violence towards women and their children.

The CBAA has also committed to supporting responsible reporting on this issue in line with guidelines released by Our Watch. These guidelines are intended to assist journalists in their reporting on domestic violence and include clarification around preferred terminology, and guidance to ensure that factors such as safety of victims, contextual information around reporting, and expert comment are priorities.

“Community radio is made by communities, for communities, and this includes the one in six women that have experienced physical or sexual violence at the hands of a current or former partner. Community radio news services can and should play critical role in shaping public understanding of the causes and context of violence against women and their children. Today, on behalf of the sector, we commit to responsible reporting of these issues,” said Community Broadcasting Association of Australia Chief Executive Officer Jon Bisset.

The Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash also commented on the importance of this commitment.  “The media have a very powerful and unique role to play in bringing attention to the issue of domestic violence and in driving the cultural change that is required to see it reduced and ultimately eradicated. I commend CBAA and community radio stations across Australia for their being committed to being part of the solution when it comes to addressing domestic violence.”

Further information and the complete guidelines is available here and as part the CBAA's Resource Library. To support stations in following these guidelines, the CBAA is hosting a webinar presented by Our Watch on 14 December - register here.

If you or someone you know is experiencing violence, call 1800 RESPECT for advice and support. In an emergency, call police on 000.

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*Past webinar - click through to view webinar recording*
The CBAA has committed to supporting responsible reporting of domestic violence in the community broadcasting sector in line with guidelines released by Our Watch. Find out more about the guidelines and ask questions about how you can apply them at your station or in your programs.


Recent events in Western Australia have once again raised the issue of family violence and the urgent need for greater public awareness of this widespread social problem. 


Women On The Line presenter wins Best Radio Feature/Current Affairs category for the program, Is Domestic Violence Different in Hollywood?